Inside Annapurna Interactive’s Mass Walkout: Internal Politics, the Surprise Remedy Deal, and Why It All Happened

Last week, Bloomberg reported that 25 people comprising the entire staff of Annapurna Interactive walked out the door in a group resignation. But while some of the circumstances around their departure emerged in the reporting, one pressing question was left unanswered: why?

Having spoken to multiple individuals close to the situation who requested anonymity due to fear of reprisal, as well as an Annapurna spokesperson, IGN has pieced together a somewhat complex answer. Disagreements over the direction of the Interactive division, chaotic departures, communication breakdowns, and a perceived lack of leadership transparency at Annapurna Interactive led to a staff walk-out that has left 25 individuals jobless, Annapurna leaders scrambling, and numerous developers concerned about their contracts with the publisher.

A Company Divided

Though the collapse of Annapurna Interactive as we once knew it started earlier this year, its roots lie in the company’s historical leadership structure. Annapurna Interactive was initially conceived as the gaming division of Annapurna Pictures, which was founded by film producer and billionaire Megan Ellison in 2011. Annapurna Interactive itself was spun up in 2016, tapping a staff of industry veterans including including former Sony creative director Nathan Gary, former Capybara Games president Nathan Vella, former Sony executive producer Deborah Mars, and former Sony producer Hector Sanchez for leadership roles. Sanchez left the company in 2019.

The film side of Annapurna’s business has undergone well-publicized struggles. In 2018, it was bleeding enough money to prompt Ellison’s father, multi-billionaire Larry Ellison, to step in. By 2019, Annapurna Pictures was reportedly teetering on bankruptcy, and in the ensuing years its film and TV output slowed significantly. Variety reports that Ellison disappeared from public life in 2019 almost entirely, leaving her business to largely run itself during the height of the pandemic. She reemerged in 2021, only to name Gary president over all of Annapurna, with Mars and Vella stepping into co-head roles at the Interactive division.

In the ensuing years, Annapurna Interactive continued to grow, releasing financial and critical successes such as Stray, Outer Wilds, What Remains of Edith Finch, and Cocoon. While the company claims the Annapurna Pictures side of the business hasn’t struggled in recent years, saying that film and TV were more profitable than Annapurna Interactive in 2023, a spokesperson alleged to IGN that Gary was a less-than-ideal steward of Annapurna Pictures. Under his guidance, they claim, resources were pulled away from film and TV, key executives were pushed out, and the company was largely refocused on gaming. Annapurna tells IGN that Gary also elevated co-founder James Masi to chief administrative officer, a role the spokesperson suggested was unnnecessary at a company of Annapurna’s size. Notably, Annapurna did launch an animation division under Gary’s tenure that released the critically-acclaimed film Nimona just last year. IGN has reached out to Gary, but he declined to comment.

IGN understands that opinions of Ellison within Annapurna Interactive prior to 2024 varied from indifference to latent mistrust given previous reports on her behavior toward employees. Anonymous sources I spoke to all cited a strong fear of reprisal from Ellison in particular, given her resources, history, and reach. A few people referenced creative or compensation disagreements during their time at Annapurna that contributed to a general feeling Ellison would not keep promises. Multiple sources we spoke to described Ellison as a largely hands-off leader and rarely present in the gaming division, an attitude that for years suited many of Annapurna Interactive’s employees just fine.

Ad-Verset effects

This was the state of things at the start of 2024 according to our sources. Prior to March of this year, work at Annapurna Interactive was business-as-usual, they say, until employees were suddenly informed mid-month that James Masi had been unexpectedly let go. An Annapurna spokesperson confirmed Masi was made redundant, saying that Ellison had chosen to step back in at the company and oversee the Annapurna Pictures side again in an effort to re-invest in the film and TV side of the business. As a part of this, Annapurna claims that Ellison reinstalled Gary as head of Interactive, and deemed Masi’s role unnnecessary.

However, at this time, Gary also left the company. Annapurna claims he left of his own accord in response to Masi’s firing and his change in role. But sources say employees were told in the following days by leadership within Annapurna Interactive that Gary had been fired along with Masi. The belief that two of their leaders had been fired seemingly out of the blue sparked confusion and fury, and a handful of individuals quit in protest, including at least one other Interactive leader.

The sudden resignation of multiple key individuals came as a shock to the company, and IGN understands that Ellison held a video call with Annapurna employees to discuss what had happened and find a way to move forward. On the call, Ellison allegedly expressed a desire to keep the entire group, including those who had been fired or resigned, together. In the following days, all the departed staff returned, including Gary and Masi, and discussions began for a potential spin-off of the company that would allow Gary and Ellison to achieve their respective visions with minimal disruptions to partner developers.

Roughly, the plan was for Gary and the Annapurna Interactive staff to become a new company called Verset, with ownership split between Annapurna and Verset’s leaders. Verset would oversee all currently existing signed Annapurna Interactive projects, with revenue split between itself and Annapurna proper in Annapurna’s favor. It would also be free to sign its own, independent deals. Developers IGN spoke to report being made aware the spin-off was happening in the following months, and were reassured their contracts would be fulfilled.

While employees understood such a venture would take time to get off the ground, in the ensuing months a number of events occurred that made some skeptical of Ellison’s commitment to parting with Annapurna Interactive. In early summer, sources tell us that employees discovered Hector Sanchez had been quietly rehired back at Annapurna by Ellison and was working on gaming projects without the knowledge of the rest of the Interactive staff. The news wasn’t made official until August that Sanchez had been appointed president of interactive and new media at Annapurna — a title that seemed to some as potentially at odds with Vella and Mars’ roles at Interactive.

Annapurna, for its part, claims that talks between Ellison and Sanchez began as far back as February for Ellison to fund a new venture Sanchez was planning after departing Epic Games. As talks continued, Annapurna says Sanchez began negotiating with Remedy Entertainment for a deal related to film and TV spin-offs of its properties. However, when spin-off negotiations began to crystalize at Annapurna Interactive, Ellison offered Sanchez a position at Annapurna. The intent, per the spokesperson, was for Verset to become the company’s indie arm, and for Sanchez to lead efforts in the AAA and AA-gaming space, including transmedia properties.

Which is how, months later, Annapurna announced it was partnering with Remedy Entertainment on film, TV, and other projects including funding support for Control 2. The press release, which IGN received, referenced both Sanchez and Ellison. But it doesn’t reference Annapurna Interactive at all, and IGN understands Annapurna Interactive employees were only informed the deal was happening that morning. Employees, unaware of Ellison’s plans or the status of the spin-off, were confused, concerned, and frustrated about the direction of the company and the future of its Interactive division, Verset or no Verset.

While all this was going on, sources say that discussions with Ellison regarding the spin-off appeared to have stalled out, and in August Annapurna officially terminated discussion. Annapurna claims this was due to Gary’s lack of response to requests for feedback on legal drafts. Meanwhile, multiple people told IGN that in those final months, they began to see signs of Ellison exercising greater involvement over Annapurna Interactive’s deals, projects, and budgets in a way that began to make them further uncomfortable with the direction the company was taking overall.

All of this came to a head at the end of August when all 25 Annapurna Interactive employees including Gary, Vella, Masi, and Mars signed a joint resignation letter. The group gave two weeks notice and departed the company together on September 6 leaving Ellison, Sanchez, and newly-hired chief strategy officer Paul Doyle working on a semblance of Annapurna’s gaming efforts. Sources tell IGN that up to the letter being sent and after, the group asked Ellison to work with them on other possible solutions such as the aforementioned spin-off, but did not receive any interest.

IGN also understands that despite the two-week notice, partner developers did not learn about the sudden exodus of all their Annapurna contacts until a day or two before it occurred. Annapurna claims they didn’t have enough time to collect developer contact information to alert them sooner, while Annapurna Interactive sources say they received no guidance from the company during that period as to who should tell developers, when, and how.

Annapurna Aftermath

While IGN couldn’t glean any details on the future of the 25 departed employees, there are some indications that the group is collectively working on some new venture together. A website for Verset appears to be online at the time of publication with a PR alias, which IGN reached out to for comment. IGN was also unable to find any posts or other discussions from the departed members indicating they were looking for employment elsewhere. Whatever their future plans, IGN understands that the group did not have a ready-made venture waiting when they left, as some have speculated. Whatever they build, if anything, it will be largely from scratch.

Meanwhile, at Annapurna itself, efforts are underway to right the ship. Multiple developers I spoke to expressed a mixture of frustration and confusion at the sudden departure, but several told me they felt confident in Sanchez’s ability to honor existing obligations. Several individuals with projects at different stages of development told me about meetings they’d had with Sanchez in the wake of the event that they reported had reassured them. Sanchez has previously stated his intention both to backfill roles as well as work with outside agencies to fulfill Annapurna’s contractual obligations, and IGN has confirmed this process is ongoing. Earlier this week, Annapurna also posted an open role for a QA Manager overseeing “multiple external QA teams.”

The unusual situation appears to have impacted a few specific projects in unique ways. On August 30, iam8bit shared an announcement that an upcoming PlayStation 5 physical edition of Outer Wilds: Archaeologist Edition had suffered from a manufacturing error, and did not include the Echoes of the Eye expansion as expected. Annapurna Interactive at the time said it would “continue to investigate”, while iam8bit offered either a digital DLC voucher to impacted customers, or a replacement corrected physical copy. Both Annapurna and Interactive sources have told IGN that this issue is unrelated to the resignations, and Annapurna reassured that it will not be impacted by the upheaval at the company.

Then there’s Blade Runner. Last summer, Annapurna Interactive announced it would be developing its first in-house game, based on the Blade Runner franchise, titled Blade Runner 2033: Labyrinth. However, game director Chelsea Hash appears to be one of the 25 individuals who resigned, per LinkedIn, and IGN understands that all other full-time members of the development team joined her. Annapurna has told IGN that development on Blade Runner 2033 will continue despite the departure of its entire team.

An Annapurna spokesperson also shared the following statement when asked for further comment:

“The whole situation is a baffler, but now we’re focused on moving forward. We’ve had really great conversations with an overwhelming majority of our existing development teams and are grateful for their partnership. If our inbox is any indication, a ton of developers continue to want to be a part of what we’re building, and we look forward to seeing their pitches. We’ve also had an influx of quality job applicants and are excited to build a team passionate about our mission to tell original stories that aren’t being told elsewhere. P.S. We’re hiring.”

The whole situation is a baffler.

Annapurna has splintered into two groups, both of which are now working to pick up the pieces. The remains of Annapurna Interactive, (or perhaps a future Verset), consist of 25 individuals who felt strongly enough about perceived mismanagement, poor communication, apparent spontaneous layoffs of leaders, and one another that they were willing to give up paychecks and stability at a time of overwhelming industry job and funding uncertainty. When IGN approached its sources close to this group about Annapurna’s version of events (specifically, the conflicting information around Masi and Gary’s alleged resignation/firing and the collapse of spin-off discussions), they reacted with skepticism, but did not feel they could safely provide more specific details.

Meanwhile, at Annapurna, a tiny leadership team is struggling to ensure that around 40 projects have the support we need, while the company’s partners have been left at various stages of development and uncertainty as to what comes next.

Annapurna Interactive as we once knew it — a beloved publisher of critically-acclaimed, unique, beloved indie games — is no more. What, if anything, will rise to take its place?

Rebekah Valentine is a senior reporter for IGN. Got a story tip? Send it to

Why Frostpunk 2 is A True and Creatively Necessary Sequel

Why Frostpunk 2 is A True and Creatively Necessary Sequel

Frostpunk 2 Hero Image

In the corridors of 11 Bit Studios, there’s an old saying: the hardest challenge for a band is recording a second album that surpasses the debut. This sentiment echoed through our minds when thinking about a sequel to Frostpunk. The first game was designed not necessarily to be followed by a direct sequel but to establish a world that could host different kinds of games. And yet, here we are, more than six years later, on the eve of Frostpunk 2’s launch on Windows PC and PC Game Pass.

Frostpunk 2 screenshot

Creating something new always comes from a desire to say something fresh—whether it’s a new idea, a new story, or an innovative gameplay experience. The challenge for us was to ensure we had something meaningful to say about life in a post-apocalyptic city that would resonate just as deeply as the first game, but on a much larger and more evolved scale. We wanted to explore new aspects of human survival that felt both familiar and entirely new, delivering a true and creatively necessary sequel.

It didn’t feel right to simply have players survive a harsher winter or a more violent storm. That wouldn’t push the boundaries or fulfil our ambitions. By late 2019, the vision for Frostpunk 2 had begun to take shape, taking a significant step beyond basic survival. A 30-year leap forward, in fact—because that’s how much time has passed between the first and second games. While the original Frostpunk was all about keeping a single city alive and holding onto hope in an all-freezing world of despair, the sequel treats society itself like a fluid. Humanity has tamed the frost, and now it’s time to grapple with ideologies and visions of the future.

Frostpunk 2 screenshot

As the newly elected Steward, replacing the deceased Captain, it’s the player’s role to manage this fluid society—a society that can flow, boil, or even ignite. Players must navigate the needs of factions, knowing when to push for votes, even if it means becoming entangled in a web of conflicting promises. Sometimes, it’s better to step back, letting the whims of delegates play out, and observe the consequences. Frostpunk 2 is not about authoritarian rule, but about political and ideological conflict.

The “society survival” aspect of the first game is elevated in Frostpunk 2. To truly feel the weight of long-term decisions, we’ve scaled up the game. Instead of days, weeks and months pass. Instead of constructing individual buildings, you’ll be building entire districts. The societal impact is also more profound in Utopia Builder mode, which is similar to the Endless mode from the original game. Here, players can freely develop their cities and societies, unhindered by the narrative constraints of the campaign.

Frostpunk 2 screenshot

And for those eager to take their creativity further, we’re introducing mod support with our Frostkit tool. Starting in beta, it will eventually allow players to modify nearly every aspect of the game—from maps and models to entire scenarios. With all of this, we couldn’t be more excited to welcome players back to the frozen world of Frostpunk 2, launching today for Windows PC, with Game Pass.

Frostpunk 2

11 bit studios

Frostpunk 2 elevates the city-survival genre to a new level. Take the role of a Steward and lead your city through a cascade of calamities taking place in a postapocalyptic, snowy setting. Build large city districts with their string of endless needs and demands. Navigate through conflicting interests of factions that populate your metropolis. As the needs of the city grow and factional power at its core rises, only you can steer the society towards an uncertain future.

The city grows
The world is overtaken by an ever present winter, which makes expansion of the city the only way for the survival of mankind. In order to grow, the metropolis needs resources like coal and oil, just like its citizens require food and warmth. In Frostpunk 2, it’s your job to tackle this never ending circle of supply and demand.

City districts
Your city is divided into zones serving different purposes, such as housing or extraction. It’s up to you to build new ones and make sure that those already existing work in perfect unison.

Special buildings
In time, you will have to build places like City Hall or Research Institute. Inside these buildings, you will put forth laws and projects to ensure that your city develops in the proper direction.

To ensure that your city growth will not falter, you have to venture into the frostland. There, you can build extensive colonies that will provide all the necessary resources.

Perlis of human nature
The number of your citizens steadily grows, making the task of governing them and satisfying their demands all the more challenging. As the Steward you will have to maneuver carefully across the interests of many groups inhabiting the city.

New Londoners
Your citizens can form communities and factions, each with different ideas for the city’s future. In the Council Hall you’ll put forth laws and negotiate them with the faction’s delegates.

Council Hall
Support of every faction inside the Council Hall costs dearly, as one’s faction ascension breeds discontent among others. That means you have to carefully think through every alliance.

Towards progress
The Research Institute is where you forge the city’s future. Each new project must be entrusted to a faction, forcing you to maneuver and form strategic alliances.

People of your city want to have a voice in how you run things. Each faction has its own ideology and ideas for the future, yet they also have one thing in common – insatiable thirst for power. Choose your allies in the Council Hall wisely.

Story Mode and Utopia Builder
The story of Frostpunk 2 introduces a multi-chapter saga set in the frozen wastes. Spanning across the life of the Steward this campaign lets you feel the burden of leadership as you take the responsibility for thousands of lives. At the same time, the sandbox mode called Utopia Builder with infinite play time leaves you room for boundless social and infrastructural experiments.

The post Why Frostpunk 2 is A True and Creatively Necessary Sequel appeared first on Xbox Wire.

Get A Closer Look At Yakuza Kiwami On Switch In New ‘Play It Together’ Trailer

Punching onto Switch next month.

After making a surprise appearance at last month’s Partner Direct, SEGA has today unveiled a closer look at Yakuza Kiwami on Switch in a brand-new ‘Play it Together!’ trailer.

It has been almost 20 years since the first game in the series landed on PS2 (of which Kiwami is a remake), and this new trailer is all about the cross-generational appeal of walking around the streets of Kamurocho, beating up any punk that looks at you funny. We wouldn’t put any of the Like a Dragon games into the “family-friendly” category, but the trailer is a sweet watch, all the same.

Read the full article on

Hit the Pitch Early in EA Sports FC 25 with EA Play

Hit the Pitch Early in EA Sports FC 25 with EA Play

FC 25 Hero Image

EA Sports FC 25

Get ready for nail-biting championship moments with EA Sports FC 25. EA Play* members can kick off a 10-hour trial of the game today – seven days ahead of the game’s launch – and experience more ways to win for their club in the most authentic EA SPORTS football game ever.

EA Sports FC 25 brings an unrivaled level of authenticity, brought to life through a roster of players from the biggest clubs and leagues from around the world. Members can team up with friends in their favorite modes with the new 5v5 Rush, and manage their club to victory as FC IQ delivers more tactical control than ever before.  In addition, the game’s new formats of the UEFA Champions League, Europa League and Europa Conference League will all feature in the game’s Career and Tournament modes, bringing a fresh game experience to players.

Alongside early access, EA Play members can also secure special in-game EA Sports FC 25 rewards, including the EA Play Welcome Pack (available until October 31) where members can find their new star player, Football Ultimate Team Draft Tokens and seasonal club rewards like the Clubs Teamwork Protective Glasses.

EA Sports NHL 25

The benefits continue for EA Play members as they move from the pitch to the ice! Starting September 27, EA Play members will be able to control every inch of the ice in EA Sports NHL 25 with a 10-hour trial, days ahead of the game’s launch.

September Rewards

EA Play September Rewards Image

In addition to early access to EA Sports FC 25 and EA Sports NHL 25, EA Play has something for every type of gamer. A full list of all the great content to EA Play this month can be found below:

  • Apex Legends Bright Idea Weapon Charm – Now to September 30
  • Battlefield 2042 Cobalt Protector – Now to September 24
  • EA Sports F1 24 5000 XP BoostNow to September 30
  • EA Sports College Football 25 Loyalist Ultimate Team September Pack – Now to September 30
  • Madden NFL 24 MUT September Pack – Now to September 30
  • EA Sports FC 25 Clubs Teamwork Protective Glasses – Now to October 31
  • EA Sports FC 25 EA Play Welcome Pack Now to October 31
  • EA Sports FC 25 Ultimate Team Draft Token – Now to October 14

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and Xbox Game Pass PC members receive EA Play with their Game Pass subscription. Members can experience the world of EA with unlimited access to a collection of top titles, trials of select new games, in-game member rewards and more.

Members can unlock the thrill of their next favorite game with up to 10-hour trials of EA’s latest titles such as EA Sports Madden NFL 25, EA Sports College Football 25, F1 24, EA Sports WRC and the upcoming EA Sports FC 25 and EA Sports NHL 25, in addition to access to an unrivalled collection of EA’s best-loved series and top titles, including Madden NFL 24, EA Sports FC 24 and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Visit the EA Play page for more details, and to stay up to date on the latest from EA Play, follow EA Play on, Instagram, or X. Please see for terms and conditions.

*Conditions, limitations and exclusions apply. See for details

The post Hit the Pitch Early in EA Sports FC 25 with EA Play appeared first on Xbox Wire.

Share of the Week: Astro Bot – Abilities

Last week, we asked you to take Astro Bot’s new abilities for a spin using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights:

Evo_Pixel shares Astro packing a punch with the Frog Gloves.

shimo_ps shares Astro blowing up to new heights with the Octo-Balloon.

kanon06 shares Astro shrunken down with the Mouse ability.

AutomotiveVP shares Astro blasting upwards with the Chicken rocket.

Doodlesgtm shares Astro pausing the scenery with the Time-Stopper ability.

KTKomedy2813 shares Astro soaking up in size with the Sponge ability.

Search #PSshare #PSBlog on Twitter or Instagram to see more entries to this week’s theme. Want to be featured in the next Share of the Week?

THEME: Astro Bot – VIP Bots
SUBMIT BY: 11:59 PM PT on September 25, 2024 

Next week, we’re rescuing some familiar faces in Astro Bot. Share moments with your favorite VIP Bots using #PSshare #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.

EA Sports FC 25 – Review in Progress

Note: These impressions are based on my early experiences with EA Sports FC 25. So far, the focus has been on core gameplay in Career and Rush modes, but I’ll explore how the changes impact Ultimate Team and other online modes after spending more time with them.

Every year, I start with the same overly optimistic questions: What has actually changed in FIFA—sorry, EA Sports FC—this time around? Is it really new, or just the same old experience with a fresh coat of paint? There’s always a laundry list of flashy new marketing terms designed to grab attention: Hypermotion V, FC IQ, BallTouch, Rush, etc (okay one of those is made up). Yet, even with all the buzzwords, there’s often a lingering feeling that these changes are merely surface-level, just enough to warrant a new bullet point on the box without truly changing up the gameplay in an innovative way.

Well, so far the changes made to FC 25 make it feel like the latter scenario: a series of incremental improvements and adjustments that do add to the fun through their novelty if nothing else, but they’re hardly enough to usher in a sweeping revolution of any kind.

Career Mode: Finally a Welcome Refresh

As someone who prefers the depth of Career Mode (I’ve spent hundreds of hours playing out multiple season-long campaigns over the years) over the microtransaction-driven Ultimate Team, I was pleased to see that FC 25 finally gives it the attention it deserves and brings some meaningful updates. One of the biggest improvements this year is simply in the ways you can customize the experience. There’s more flexibility in how you set up your career—board expectations, for instance, can now be set to lenient, sparing you the frustration of being sacked for not spending every penny of your transfer budget. The ability to customize training plans and match tactics to a greater degree, deciding how hard your players train and which roles suit them best, is a welcome step towards giving us more control over our players’ development, particularly when it comes to managing youth talent and squad rotation.

Then there’s also the addition of weather effects like wind and rain, which surprisingly aren’t just cosmetic—they’re modifiers that genuinely affect how matches play out. In smaller stadiums, for example, a strong gust can make the ball swerve unpredictably. It’s a satisfying touch and adds a new level of realism for offline modes like Career that feels long overdue. That said, it’s a shame this isn’t available in online modes due to balancing reasons. I understand how it could frustrate those who don’t enjoy forces outside of their control becoming a deciding factor, but I’d love to see it as an optional setting for casual Ultimate Team matchups to spice things up just that bit more for those of us who like to live dangerously.

FC 25 finally gives Career Mode the attention it deserves.

Beyond the weather, another interesting feature is the integration of a social media feed featuring none other than the seemingly omnipresent transfer guru Fabrizio Romano. His trademark “Here We Go” catchphrase now pops up during in-game transfer announcements. It’s a fun, slightly gimmicky, if borderline cringeworthy addition—but I’m still waiting for a “There We Land” before I’m truly impressed.

FC 25’s welcoming of several major women’s leagues is long overdue and much appreciated, and the ability to seamlessly drift between the men’s and women’s leagues and teams within one career mode save is particularly neat. Plus, you can now start a save as one of FC’s many icons, allowing me to finally live out my dream of Andrea Pirlo running the show at the base of Gillingham’s midfield.

There are new ways to play within Career Mode as well. Rush is a new 5v5 mode found throughout FC 25 (essentially replacing Volta) and it’s used through the introduction of youth tournaments, giving you a chance to test your wunderkinds in high-pressure scenarios throughout the season. It’s a cool, fast-paced break from the standard matches and some much-needed variety to the often-repetitive nature of Career Mode seasons.

This new, futsal-inspired mode brings a fresh twist with a set of unique rules that introduce a fun dose of chaos to the gameplay. Kick-offs are revamped, in that players race toward the center of the pitch as the ball is launched into play, much like Rocket League. The offside rule only kicks in within the final third, a departure from the usual halfway-line restriction. Red cards are swapped out for blue cards, sending players to a one-minute sin bin for serious fouls, though their time is cut by 15 seconds for every goal the opposition scores during that period. Penalties also get a shakeup, taken from the “final third line” in a one-on-one duel with the goalkeeper, similar to hockey shootouts.

Rush mode is also available in Kick Off, Ultimate Team, and Clubs, making it perfect for players who don’t always have a full squad but still want to jump into the action with a few friends. Outside of Career, matches take place in the custom-designed Rush Stadium, developed in partnership with Nike, featuring a futuristic flair, vibrant drone shows that enhance the atmosphere, and unique commentators specific to the mode. With online modes kicking off in early access, Rush already shows plenty of potential to evolve into something truly unique. Whether that potential will be fully realized, or discarded like The Journey and Volta, remains to be seen.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Graphically, EA Sports FC is once again a hot pot of good and bad, shining on the pitch while appearing neglected off it. During matches, the presentation is particularly sharp—especially in Premier League games, where the new scoreboards, broadcast-style overlays, and team-specific on-screen graphics packages really stand out. A nice surprise is the option to re-enable team walkouts in the pre-match build-up, after the feature was suddenly removed in FC 24.

Unfortunately, the user interface is a different story. What’s most infuriating is how the menus feel like they were designed for a touchscreen—soft edges, clunky, and far from intuitive with a controller. Worse, they seem to provide less information than ever before. Despite the ever-increasing bloat of the menu items directly in front of you, key information is buried behind layers of tabs that disappear if you scroll too far, leaving you hunting for crucial menus.

For a game that actively encourages you to slow down, tweak tactics, and customise player roles, the new menu system that plagues every game mode feels like it’s chugging two steps behind every input, making what should be an enjoyable experience feel like a chore. This was especially notable in menu-heavy modes like Career which, while it has had several cool additions, is now aggravating to try and navigate through.

There’s also the new ‘Cranium’ system, which aims to make players without facial scans appear more natural alongside top-tier talent from leagues like the Premier League, La Liga, and beyond. It’s great to see a greater range of “generic” faces now, and even unscanned players look a little like their real-life counterparts. Likewise, it’s neat that there’s a greater level of customization in the personal player or manager models as well. However, the results are inconsistent: Under ideal conditions and lighting, some players look significantly better than in previous entries, but these conditions are rare, and more often than not everyone in FC 25 looks like they’ve been pulled from a waxy, uncanny valley hell.

Speaking of jank, expect some of the typical weirdness in FC 25.

Speaking of jank, expect some of the typical weirdness in FC 25. Commentary is still often disconnected from the action on the pitch, cutscenes glitch out in bizarre ways, and there are moments where the world briefly collapses into a pinky-purgatory void. For those of us who’ve been around the FIFA/FC block, these graphical quirks are nothing new, but that doesn’t make them any less annoying.

Unfortunately, it’s a similar story across many annual sports titles. In Madden, bizarre animation bugs still see players warping or phasing through each other, while NBA 2K has its own share of uncanny character models and awkward animations. It feels like these issues are simply glossed over with each new installment. In fact, they’re becoming increasingly indefensible as the same problems resurface year after year.

Gameplay: Tweaks That Matter (And Many That Don’t)

When it comes to gameplay, FC 25 delivers some fun, if incremental, improvements – just like clockwork. One of the standout new features is FC IQ, which effectively replaces the old system of work rates, where players’ movement was dictated by set verbal descriptions of their effort in attack and defense. Instead, player movement is now determined by their “role” and the “focus” assigned to them within that role. Each position offers a choice of three to five roles. For example, a central attacking midfielder (CAM) can be assigned roles like shadow striker, playmaker, and others, altering how forward-thinking you want them to be throughout a game.

There’s a new level of automation that comes hand-in-hand with this change and actually feels significant. For example, attackers feel a bit more useful while on the break, and no longer having to constantly manually trigger players’ runs in behind or down the wing with button presses is great. Players will make smarter runs based on their roles, too. However, the level of control still pales in comparison to the more tactical-heavy sims found in Football Manager, and the initial impressiveness of the change wears off fast. It’s certainly an improvement, but the desired depth isn’t quite there yet.

In terms of how the on-pitch action feels with the controller in your hand, passing is a touch snappier than last year, especially when pinging long balls across the pitch. Shooting also has a nice weight to it—smooth, responsive, and satisfying. When the weather effects are in play in offline modes, even the physics in wet conditions adds a layer of unpredictability, with the ball sometimes skidding to a halt as the rain pours down. It’s these moments when you’re battling the elements that are a great example of the enjoyment found in the imperfections of the beautiful game.

But then there’s the defense, which still feels frustratingly loose. A tale as old as time, pacy players can turn and breeze past a defense with ease, and defenders are often a step behind, even slower than they should be. Even near-track-athlete-level speedsters like Mickey Van de Ven sometimes find themselves unable to catch up with the less-than-zippy attackers. If the opponent gets in behind your defense, you might as well start planning your next kickoff because there’s little you can do to stop them.

Defensive issues are compounded by the new FC IQ tactical options, which are supposed to give you more control over how your team plays, not quite extending to defenders how I’d like. For example, there are no longer instructions to tell players to press heavily after losing the ball. Defending is half of football, yet it currently feels like an afterthought that needed a lot more time in the oven. No matter if you’re playing a low, medium, or high-aggression style, it just feels the same: slow, boring, and lacking tight control. At times, it felt like someone was holding onto my players’ heels, keeping them back; When they finally did accelerate, it was rigid and unnatural, like they were moving along a predetermined path.

More of the Same… Again?

After my first day with EA Sports FC 25, it feels like the game is in a tough spot. For Career Mode fans like myself, there are some positives—the expanded customization options, enhanced tactics, dynamic weather effects, and added depth create a much richer experience than in previous years. However, despite the improvements to offline modes like Career and the clear potential of Rush, there’s still an underlying sense of frustration. As a long-time fan, I can’t help but feel disappointed by how long issues like defensive slipperiness, choppy menus, and graphical inconsistencies have remained unaddressed.

After more than 20 years of EA Sports football games (yes, it’s been that long), the cracks aren’t just beginning to show, they are upsetting the very foundations. The ever-growing focus on increasingly expensive microtransactions in Ultimate Team has left the other modes still feeling left behind, no matter the smattering of custom gameplay tweaks, new menus, or weather effects added in.

The improvements, while welcome, are largely incremental, and the gameplay remains frustratingly familiar in all the wrong ways. For the leading football simulator, EA Sports FC continues to lack the fluidity, polish, and excitement it seems like it could and should deliver. While it’s still early days, first impression-wise, FC 25 currently feels like a small but reasonable step forward for Career Mode enthusiasts, but it’s still hard to see the appeal of all of this as a whole. There’s fun to be had, but it’s tempered by lingering disheartenment and a sense that EA is, as always, playing it safe.

I’ll be back soon with some more developed thoughts on EA Sports FC 25 next week, once I’ve spent time more time with Rush, Ultimate Team and how the online experience is shaping up over its early days.

Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii has been announced and is coming for you, Skull And Bones

It’s a pirate’s life for me, and it’s a pirate’s life for Goro Majima, recurring eyepatched anti-hero of the used-to-be-called-Yakuza series. He’s the star of the just-announced Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii, a game I can only applaud for the brazen straightforwardness of its title. Whatever Sega were drinking when they signed off on Metaphor: ReFantazio, they were not drinking when they signed off on this. They were definitely drinking something, though. Here’s the reveal trailer.

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From Blizzard to Bethesda, game unions are sweeping the industry – here’s how the CWA helps make them happen

“We have been sold this myth for a very long time that unions have to be for blue collar workers in an industrial setting in the early 1900s,” Autumn Mitchell tells me. “The very simple definition of a union is just you and your co-workers coming together and forming a collective body. You can do that anywhere.”

A QA tester with Zenimax currently on union leave, Mitchell joined the Communication Workers Of America (CWA) as a full-time organiser after she and her colleagues formed what was, at the time, the biggest union in videogames ZeniMax Workers United. Now she helps the CWA do what they did for her and her colleagues at Zenimax: provide support, training, resources and guidance for workers in the videogame industry who have decided, for whatever reason, that they want to unionise.

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Random: Hilarious ‘Untitled Goose Programme’ Proof-Of-Concept Has Us Desperate For More


If you played through Thank Goodness You’re Here earlier this year and thought, “yes, I want more of that,” then you’re in luck. Publisher Panic (alongside House House and Chromosphere) has channelled all those comedy vibes into a proof-of-concept short for an ‘Untitled Goose Programme‘ that never was, and it seriously made us chuckle.

All of the Untitled Goose Game vibes are present and correct here: a quaint English town, a meddling goose, chaos, but it’s all bent into a programme format reminiscent of old-school BBC scheduling. You’ll watch as an increasingly ridiculous episode of ‘Where is He Now?’ is derailed by the titular goose, leaving its presenter and guest groundskeeper soaked, injured and with their life’s work in tatters — not bad in four minutes, eh?

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Next Week on Xbox: New Games for September 23 to 27

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Next Week on Xbox: New Games for September 23 to 27

Welcome to Next Week on Xbox! In this weekly feature we cover all the games coming soon to Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, and Game Pass! Get more details on these upcoming games below and click their profiles for further info (release dates subject to change). Let’s jump in!

Ara: History Untold Deluxe Edition Preorder Bundle

Xbox Game Studios

Ara: History Untold – September 24
Game Pass

Coming day one to PC Game Pass! From Oxide Games and Xbox Game Studios, Ara: History Untold is an evolution in historical grand strategy, featuring beloved classic PC strategy mechanics alongside innovative gameplay. Build a nation and lead your people throughout history as you explore new lands, develop arts and culture, conduct diplomacy, and go head-to-head with your rivals to prove you are the greatest ruler ever known. It’s your world now. Pre-install today to get ready to play on day one.

Beyond Galaxyland

United Label



Beyond Galaxyland – September 24
Smart Delivery

Inspired by classic sci-fi movies, Beyond Galaxyland is an intergalactic, 2.5D adventure-RPG set among the stars. Step into the sneakers of high-schooler Doug, as he’s whisked away to ‘Galaxyland’ – a zoo-like solar system of planets – on an epic quest to save Earth itself.

Bloomtown: A Different Story

Twin Sails Interactive

Bloomtown: A Different Story – September 24
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

Bloomtown: A Different Story is a narrative JRPG mixing turn-based combat, monster taming and social RPG set in a seemingly pleasant 1960s Americana world. Play as Emily and her younger brother Chester sent on their summer holiday to their grandpa’s cozy and quiet town. Children starting to disappear, nightmares getting more real… Something’s not right, especially for a 12-year-old girl with an adventurous mind!

Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed

THQ Nordic


Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed – September 24
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S

Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed brings the magic of Disney to life in a vibrant 3D platformer. This beautiful remake sends Mickey Mouse on an epic journey through Wasteland, a realm of forgotten Disney characters. As Mickey, you will dive into a fantastical world and, armed with paint and thinner, shape your adventure and the fate of this alternate world.

Mortal Kombat™ 1: Khaos Reigns Expansion

Warner Bros. Games


Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns (Expansion) – September 24

Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns expansion is a massive drop of story, modes, skins, palettes, new and adjusted moves, bloody new Brutalities, all-new Animalities, and other bits, chunks, and tweaks that reintroduces three klassic characters whose pedigree and backstories both in and out of game stretch back almost to the beginning of the Mortal Kombat Universe.

Farmer Survivors

Afil Games

Farmer Survivors – September 25
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

In Farmer Survivors, the excitement of arcade blends with the unpredictability of roguelike games. Each playthrough is unique, with elements of randomness for items and abilities. With each Wave, you will face increasingly stronger and larger quantities of enemies, testing your survival skills to the limit.

Ricky Recharge

Silesia Games Sp. z o.o.

Ricky Recharge – September 25

Ricky wakes up all alone in a robot apocalypse. Little did they know that this was exactly what he had been waiting for! Try to achieve the highest score while staying alive as long as possible! Synchronize your gun polarity with the robots to score maximum points! Keep recharging your gun and use your hard-earned coins to upgrade your abilities!


Eastasiasoft Limited

ZombFarm – September 25
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

Engage in rewarding life sim elements and farming mini games while avoiding the undead that roam the nearby woods! ZombFarm is a life sim with an undead twist, presented in top-down pixel art style. Can you turn the farm around and turn it into a flourishing success while braving the zombie threat of the dark forest?

3 Minutes to Midnight

Scarecrow Studio™

Xbox One X Enhanced

3 Minutes to Midnight – September 26
Xbox One X Enhanced

3 Minutes to Midnight pays homage to the golden era of gaming while forging its own path with innovative gameplay and storytelling. Whether you’re a fan of brain-teasing puzzles, compelling narratives, or just a good laugh, this game is your ticket to an unforgettable experience.

63 Days

Destructive Creations


63 Days – September 26
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

A real-time tactics game developed by Destructive Creations that’s set during the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, immersing you in the role of a resistance fighter in German-occupied Warsaw, you’ll lead a resistance group to fight for independence and revenge, using stealth, tactics and teamwork.

Creepy Tale: Some Other Place

Sometimes You


Xbox One X Enhanced
Free Trial

Creepy Tale: Some Other Place – September 26
Xbox One X Enhanced

Creepy Tale: Some Other Place tells a completely new story that takes place in our fairytale world. A dynamic quest awaits you, packed with vivid events and characters. We pay great attention to detail and make our games with love. Share our passion for scary stories and dive into a dark tale filled with wonderful music and stop-frame animation. Awaiting you are a load of interesting puzzles that will bring pleasure to players of any age.


Abylight Studios

Exographer – September 26
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S

Exographer is an exploration game based in science. Become an explorer, stranded in an alien planetoid, and discover the secrets of an extinct civilization. Gain new powers to avoid dangers and obstacles in your journey and use your camera to reveal particles and hidden clues.

The Holy Gosh Darn

Yogscast Games

The Holy Gosh Darn – September 26
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

Rewind time and save the future in this hilarious time-travelling adventure game. In six hours, Heaven will be destroyed. Unless you can save it. Use your powers of time travel to jump freely between the past and present across Heaven, Hell, Earth, and Helheim. Uncover information in one timeline to alter things in another in a bid to stop heaven from going bang. Again.

Iron Meat


Iron Meat – September 26
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

A fast-paced, run-and-gun shooter that immerses players in a world overrun by The Meat, an all-consuming interdimensional biomass. With a mix of classic arcade and console mechanics, players will battle against mutated victims and machines, dodge bullet barrages, and crush bosses in nine levels of gore-ific brutality. As Vadim, fight back against The Meat and stop the terrors spawned from scientist Yuri Markov’s experiments on the Moon.



Monopoly – September 26
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

Monopoly is back with a fresh look and an improved game experience. Buy, sell, trade properties, and grow your empire in this faithful adaptation of the game we all grew up with! Roll the dice, start the game, and dive in to explore an exciting, fully animated 3D city.

Night Slashers: Remake

Forever Entertainment S.A.

Night Slashers: Remake – September 26
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

Night Slashers is a pulse-pounding, horror-themed beat ’em up game, in a nightmarish world filled with bloodthirsty creatures and unspeakable horrors. Prepare to step into the shoes of the unlikely heroes, as they battle hordes of supernatural foes and terrifying monsters. You’re not just fighting for survival: you’re battling to save the world from a supernatural apocalypse.

Shadows of Doubt

Fireshine Games

Shadows of Doubt – September 26
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S

An immersive sandbox detective stealth game set in a fully simulated sci-fi noir city of crime and corruption. Think like a private investigator and take on jobs to earn cash on your path to catching a serial killer. If you don’t catch them – they will kill again…

THRONE AND LIBERTY: Early Access Pack – Standard

Amazon Games


Throne and Liberty (Early Access Pack) – September 26

Throne and Liberty captures the essence of classic MMORPGs while introducing new gameplay elements, adding depth and excitement at every turn. Choose your dual-weapon loadout to customize your approach on the battlefield, or morph into creatures of the land, water and sky to traverse the vast and seamless world. Prepare for an unforgettable adventure where you’ll need to gather your guild, prepare for battle and claim the throne.

Worms Armageddon: Anniversary Edition


Worms Armageddon: Anniversary Edition – September 26

It’s been 25 years since the intrepid invertebrates flung themselves onto our screens. To celebrate this, the much-loved Worms Armageddon returns in a special Anniversary Edition. Re-live 1999 with this faithful rendition with all the hilarious fun and madness you know and love.

EA SPORTS FC™ 25 Xbox Series X|S

Electronic Arts


EA Sports FC 25 – September 27
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S

EA Sports FC 25 has the best players from the biggest clubs and competitions around the globe, with match data from the world’s top leagues powering how 19,000+ players move, play, and win in every match. New additions to Manager and Player Career let you live out the biggest storylines from the real-world with Live Start Points; rewrite the stories of past icons with today’s teams in Player Career; and for the first time, play an authentic Women’s Career experience, taking control of a club or player from the top five women’s leagues. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members with EA Play can experience a 10-hour trial of EA Sports FC 25 starting on September 20.

egg boy

China Yousoi Co.,Ltd.


Egg Boy – September 27
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

A casual shooting parkour game full of challenges. You will fight rabbits, and the rabbits’ weapons are distinctive carrots. Simple operation, extremely easy to use, move freely on the field, rush to the finish line, be careful where you step, don’t fall, otherwise you will be in danger!

Looney Tunes: Wacky World of Sports

GameMill Entertainment


Looney Tunes: Wacky World of Sports – September 27
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

Play against your friends featuring four classic sports: Basketball, Soccer, Golf, and Tennis. Avoid the wacky obstacles and gain power-ups to incite chaos against your friends and family as you control your favorite Looney Tunes character. Play your way in this 4-player local co-op sports arcade game and choose the character that best suits your play style.


Blowfish Studios

Anarkade – September 23

A multiplayer arena shooter with pixel art graphics that mixes fast, intense matches with 2D platforming mechanics that are easy to learn but deceptively hard to master, featuring power-ups and a variety of deadly weapons while fighting on randomly generated arenas in local or online matches.

Ctrl Alt Ego


Ctrl Alt Ego – September 24

A unique hybrid that blends open-ended puzzling, first-person exploration, and creative problem-solving — all wrapped in a captivating mystery about the nature of consciousness. With no physical form, you must navigate this strange world by transmitting yourself between robots and devices, each with their own unique capabilities.

Ducky Dash

Old School Vibes

Ducky Dash – September 25

A tribute to classic handheld games, featuring a charming green monochromatic palette and a retro soundtrack that evokes nostalgia. Embark on an exciting journey with a fearless little duck, using your Dash skills to overcome obstacles and explore vibrant worlds.

Lunacy: Saint Rhodes

Iceberg Interactive

Lunacy: Saint Rhodes – September 26

Lunacy: Saint Rhodes is a first-person survival horror game. Explore your dark family history and experience a gut-wrenching feeling of terror. You are being watched; never alone, never safe.

Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles

Akupara Games


Astrea: Six Sided Oracles – September 26

A Dice-deck-building roguelike that flips the script on deckbuilders by using dice instead of cards and a unique dual “damage” system: Purification vs Corruption. Build a dice pool strong enough to purify Astrea’s out-of-control corruption and save the Star System.

Dark Light

Mirari&Co. Pty, Ltd.

Dark Light – September 26

A post-apocalyptic cyberpunk action-platformer with intense hack ‘n slash combat. Explore the unknown, enhance your abilities with cyberwares, and face off against supernatural entities to seal the Dark Void and end the eternal darkness.

Cube Railway

Colossus Game Studio

Cube Railway – September 27

A puzzle game where players must strategically fit blocks to complete a railway track and set the train in motion. Reach the next level by correctly placing the cubes within the designated spots on the track.

Redneck Joe Vs The Swamp Zombies

Cloud5 Studios

Redneck Joe Vs the Swamp Zombies – September 27

Embark on a thrilling journey of action and survival in this engaging third-person shooter, you take on the role of brave and fearless Joe, a typical swamp Redneck, whose courage will be tested amid a frightening zombie apocalypse.

Murder Is Game Over: Deal Killer

Ratalaika Games S.L.

Murder Is Game Over: Deal Killer – September 27

Join Detective Guy and his trusty sidekick Cleo the clue-sniffing dog as they investigate the sudden and shocking death of a powerful video game publishing executive. Holed up inside an isolated Alpine hotel during a treacherous blizzard, our detective must search for clues, interview suspects, solve the mystery, and bring the guilty party to justice.

Iron Sea Defenders

8floor ltd

Iron Sea Defenders – September 27

Defend your fort from attacks by showcasing your tactical skill. Build cannons, save money, destroy the enemy with the help of secret weaponry and keep your wits about you. This unique historical setting will allow you to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of real and uncompromising battle. Varied enemies, powerful cannons and secret weaponry which will drive your enemy to despair – all of this in a new Tower Defense game!

The Unexpected Quest


The Unexpected Quest – September 27

An adventure game with strategy and management elements in a medieval fantasy setting. Embark on quests, hunt down treasures and manage your resources as you build, battle, cast magic and brew potions to bring order to a world on the brink of disaster.

Emergency Crew

8floor ltd

Emergency Crew – September 27

Embark on heroic disaster relief missions in this casual Emergency Crew strategy game. With a huge variety of missions, 40 levels, and an in-depth story about a team of heroes. Save people, rebuild the ruined city, fight the marauders who have come and establish the necessary resources wisely.

The post Next Week on Xbox: New Games for September 23 to 27 appeared first on Xbox Wire.