Guide: 70 Switch Games You Should Pick Up In Nintendo’s Festive Offers Sale (Europe)

Every Switch game on sale that got a 9/10 from us.

The festive season is finally upon us and Nintendo’s European eShops are getting into the spirit of things the only way that they know how — with a festive sale, of course!

This year’s Festive Offers sale has brought a sack-full of discounts to European Switches and is now depositing them under the eShop tree. These deals won’t be around for long, however, so you only have until 31st December to grab yourself a bargain.

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Activision QA Workers Protest New Office Mandate, Calling It a ‘Soft Layoff’

Today, the ABK Workers Alliance published a statement opposing a recent return-to-office mandate that is impacting hundreds of Activision quality assurance (QA) workers. While the company has been allowing hybrid work situations up to this point, the group says that on November 30, QA workers in Minneapolis, Austin, and El Segundo working primarily on Call of Duty were told they must fully return to office five days per week beginning in late January. Activision is offering severance to those who depart from the company as a result of this mandate.

IGN has viewed the text of an email sent to impacted IGN QA workers about the change, which says the move to full-time office work came after Activision “found that our Central QA team is much more effective on in-office workdays than on remote workdays. Much of this is attributable to commercial broadband speeds, in-person team engagement leading to faster alignment, and better access to hardware in the office.”

The message continues by noting that the change “may not align with everyone’s personal and professional goals,” and offers a one-time separation package of a minimum of 12 weeks pay, 2023 bonus, 12 months of healthcare, and unused vacation time payout to anyone who voluntarily separates due to the mandate. It concludes by stating that there are “no current plans” for other similar changes elsewhere in the organization.

When asked for comment, an Activision spokesperson offered the following statement regarding return to office, which echoes the email IGN viewed:

After returning to the office in April, we’ve learned a lot about how our teams can work best. In particular, we saw our QA team in Minneapolis, Austin and El Segundo work more effectively and efficiently in person, thanks to improved broadband speeds, seamless team coordination, and better hardware access. As a result, we’ve made the decision to move from a hybrid work schedule to a full-time, in-office working model for Activision QA in Minneapolis, Austin and El Segundo to foster a best-in-class QA function and best deliver for our players.

ABK Workers Alliance Responds

In response, ABK Workers Aliiance has published a statement opposing the mandate, and accusing Activision of not doing enough to support workers who want to keep their current jobs but need to work remotely for a variety of reasons. The group says that many QA employees have been communicating with Activision’s accommodations team since the start of hybrid work earlier this year in an effort to receive permanent work-from-home accommodations due to “disability, financial issues, or other factors.” However, they say that many of their requests have been denied entirely, while others were offered in-office accommodations that were insufficient to meet their needs.

The statement also notes that “many employees” were hired during full lockdown, live “a significant distance” from the offices, and will feel an impact both to finances and work-life balance for having to commute.

“This has resulted in many employees being forced out of the company in a soft layoff,” reads the statement from ABK Workers Alliance. “It is our belief that the removal of hybrid work will result in many, many more employees being forced out of the company and into a desperate situation.”

In addition, IGN has spoken to several Activision employees who have expressed opposition to the mandate. QA employee Kate Anderson told us that the mandate “ensures that the needs of our most vulnerable employees are not met.” Another QA employee who wished to remain anonymous told us they had been successfully working remotely for three years now, but have spent much of the last year going through Activision’s accommodations process to receive the right to work remotely due to a disability.

Many of my co-workers are concerned for their futures

“One of Activision’s company values is Champion DE&I, but imposing this return to office policy on the entire department is inherently inequitable,” they said. “The vast majority of our team worked remotely for the entirety of 2021 and 2022 without issue, so we’ve already proven our jobs can successfully be performed while working remotely. In the e-mail announcing the change, they cited that the team is more effective when working on-site, but correlation does not equal causation. I implore them to look into other factors that have contributed to our success over the past year.”

Another QA tester, Andrew Snell, similarly disagreed with the company’s statement that working from the office was the cause of Activision’s recent successes. “Since the COVID-19 quarantines, Activision Blizzard King has set sales records on their Call of Duty franchise titles, including their mobile division, all while most of their workforce was required to work fully remote. Since April of this year, we have worked under a hybrid in-office/work-from-home setting that greatly benefits those who have medical necessity and for working families. With the decision to return to the office full-time, many of my co-workers are concerned for their futures and are weighing the options of whether or not they can take this deal.”

An Activision spokesperson additionally supplied the following statement with regard to accommodations in response to IGN’s request for comment:

We take our support for employees with disabilities, differing abilities, mental health requirements, and changing medical needs seriously. We are focused on finding appropriate, reasonable accommodations for team members who experience barriers to performing their essential job functions. We thoroughly manage all requests and work with the individual confidentially to understand their medical needs and offer a variety of individualized solutions.

Ongoing Clashes with Activision Blizzard

The ABK Workers Alliance was formed in 2021 in response to a California lawsuit filed against Activision Blizzard alleging discrimination and harassment against employees of the company. The group has since been involved in organizing multiple walkouts at the company and in supporting the unionization of both Raven Software QA workers and Blizzard Albany. Currently, the group is working on further collective efforts in light of ABK’s new parent company, Microsoft, pledging union neutrality.

A one-size-fits-all mandate harms us all

“A one-size-fits-all mandate harms us all,” ABK Workers Alliance concludes. “Everyone loses: the company, the products, the players, and, most of all, the employees. We stand firm in our resolve that the decision to WFH or RTO should be made on an individual basis with consideration to the needs of each employee.”

In the last year, a number of major companies have implemented return to office mandates that have sparked frustration from workers who adapted or expected to be able to continue working from home. Blizzard, for instance, was allegedly creating “crisis maps” due to a mass exodus of employees in response to a forced return-to-office, among other issues. And over at Ubisoft Montreal, developers flooded an internal messageboard with hundreds of comments, many of which claimed the company had broken a promise of permanent remote work to its employees.

IGN has also reached out to Activision parent company Microsoft for comment.

Rebekah Valentine is a senior reporter for IGN. Got a story tip? Send it to

This story was updated post-publication with Activision’s response.

Iron Lung Dev Says ‘Go Pirate It or Something’ in Response to Price Rise Backlash

The developer of hit indie horror Iron Lung, which mega YouTuber Markiplier is turning into a film, has told those who don’t agree with the game’s recent $2 price rise to “go pirate it or something”.

David Szymanski tweeted to respond to the backlash caused by Iron Lung’s price increase from $6 to $8, insisting the hike was entirely justified.

“Since people keep trying to gotcha me over this… once again, Iron Lung’s price went up because the game is worth $8 so I want to charge $8, because I want to earn more money. If you don’t agree with this price, I don’t want your money. Go pirate it or something. I don’t care.”

Then, responding to those who have said he’s “only doing this for the money”, Szymanski tweeted: “Yes, no f**king s**t. I make games for a living. If I didn’t want to earn money from them I wouldn’t charge money for them.”

If you don’t agree with this price, I don’t want your money.  Go pirate it or something. I don’t care.

“I like the business model of ‘I want money so I make something that I think is worth money, and you pay me that money and you get the thing, and we’re all happy’,” Szymanski continued. “That’s it. There’s nothing complicated or hidden here.

“If you don’t think the things I make are worth the money I charge, that’s completely okay. Don’t buy them, or wait for a deep sale, or go the sneaky route and get them for free or whatever, and please tell me that so I can adjust the prices for whatever I release next.

“This will be the last I have to say about the Iron Lung price change. I don’t expect to do any after release price adjustments in the future, so hopefully this won’t ever need discussed again.”

Sales of Iron Long have dropped since the price hike, a trend Szymanski said he expects to continue. “Note that this is not a bid for sympathy,” he added. “This was a gamble I knowingly took hoping it will be the right decision in the long term.”

Markiplier is currently directing and starring in a film adaptation of Iron Lung, the short 2022 horror game that sees a convict exploring an alien moon’s blood ocean in a cramped submarine.

Markiplier helped popularize Iron Lung after playing it in 2022, but this wasn’t the only event that propelled Iron Lung to relative indie stardom — earlier this year, the game saw a spike in sales (which Szymanski said “feels so wrong”) after the disappearance of the Titan submersible due to the game’s similar premise.

Markiplier also revealed that he had to turn down a role in the recently-released Five Nights at Freddy’s movie to focus on Iron Lung. Iron Lung’s movie doesn’t yet have a release date, but it’s headed to theaters, and the team behind the latter film revealed its first blood-drenched teaser in October.

Wesley is the UK News Editor for IGN. Find him on Twitter at @wyp100. You can reach Wesley at or confidentially at

Feature: Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown Director Explains Anime Inspirations And The Warrior’s Journey

“You cannot go through your life punching everything”.

The Prince of Persia series is held near and dear to the hearts of many, whether you fell in love with the original platformers and their revolutionary rotoscope animation, The Sands of Time for its rewind mechanic and magical atmosphere, or maybe even the reboot from 2008 — which we’re sad never received a Nintendo release, or a true ending for that matter.

The franchise is back soon with quite a few fun twists in the upcoming Prince of Persia, the Lost Crown, which we’ve recently been given a pretty in-depth look at. While we were out visiting the Ubisoft office, we also had the chance to pick the brain of Joseph-Antoine Clavet, the cinematic director on this new Prince of Persia.

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Tips for Gifting an Xbox Series X|S for the Holidays

Tips for Gifting an Xbox Series X|S for the Holidays

So, you’ve decided to gift someone a brand-new Xbox console. First off: you’re incredibly generous! We’re sure they’ll be grateful to get something as awesome as a new Xbox from their soon-to-be most-favorite person in the world. But, before you kick off the celebration and start gaming, there are a few key things you can do to help your giftee get started.

Prepare the Console

Xbox Series X|S Hero Image

It’s time to get their console ready to go. Start with the instructions included in the box to guide you through connecting online (broadband or wireless), plug into an HDMI-compatible TV, and turn it on to begin the updating process.

Keeping the console updated both ensures they can play every new game right away and helps keep the console safe and secure. We highly recommend completing this step before you attach any additional peripherals, like external hard drives, battery charging stations, etc. This will help ensure maximum compatibility between your existing (and future) devices and accessories – see list of compatible ones here on

This can take some time depending on your online connection and how many updates the console needs to apply. If possible, consider getting this done before your giftee unwraps their present so everyone can jump in and start gaming that much faster on the big day. 

While the console is updating, this can also be a great time to download the Xbox app for iOS or Android, which also includes some step-by-step instructions and console management features from your smartphone. And if you’re a parent, we recommend downloading the Xbox Family Settings app (more on that in a bit) 

Create a Free Xbox Account

Xbox Account Asset

Next, they will need to create a free Xbox account to access features like playing free-to-play online multiplayer games, joining a community, and more. You can direct them to sign up and get started here. If they already have a personal Microsoft account (e.g. via Windows, Office, Outlook, etc), they can simply use that one.

This is also a great time to set up a Family Group, especially if you’re gifting the Xbox to someone under the age of 13 in the family. You can set up designated Xbox accounts for everyone who is going to play. And as the organizer, you can set up separate content and screentime settings based on each person. You can learn more about the benefits of creating a Family Group on Xbox here.

Select Your Family Settings

Xbox Family Settings App

If you’re gifting the console to someone under the age of 13, be sure to set up a child account. This will make it easier for parents to add family members to a family group, and easily check on their console activities with the Xbox Family Settings app, available for free on iOS and Android.

You can customize their experience with features like setting screen time limits, managing content restrictions, chat access, revising friend requests, and setting spending limits on the Xbox Store. Even better, it’s easy to adjust settings at any time. So, if you’ve gifted this new Xbox for that special someone in your life, this is a great way to help start some healthy gaming habits together. You can learn more about the Family Settings app here. And check out some recommended co-op games to play with your family this holiday season here on Xbox Wire.

Adopt an Energy Saving Approach

Xbox Carbon Aware hero image

Did you know you can help reduce emissions (and your energy bill) with Xbox? It’s true. By using the Shutdown (energy saving) feature, you’ll use up to 20x less power when your console is off compared to its Sleep mode. Out of the box, your console will default to the Shutdown setting, but you can always adjust by heading to the Settings menu on your console, navigate to the General tab, and check Power Options. You can learn about how to adopt an energy saving approach here.

Utilize Gaming Accessibility Features  

The game accessibility logo is displayed

Thanks to feedback from the Gaming & Disability Community, many games in the Microsoft Store on Xbox display Xbox Game Accessibility Feature Tags that specify different accessibility features available in games. These make it easier to find games that meet players’ specific gaming needs and interests. Beyond the Microsoft Store, the Xbox Series X|S includes several features to help make gaming for everyone:

  • Copilot allows you to link two controllers so you can use them like a single controller.
  • The Xbox Accessories app can let you configure the button layout on the Xbox Wireless Controller.
  • Speech to Text converts player speech or in-game chat that you can read on screen.
  • Quick Settings allow you to quickly enable elements like Night Mode, High Contrast, and more.

You can find the full range of accessibility settings here on the official Accessibility site on Xbox is also home to plenty of games with great accessibility features, often made in partnership with the disability community:

  • Forza Motorsport: features Blind Driving Assists, a feature set built for players who are Blind or have Low Vision.
  • Forza Horizon 5: has an ASL/BSL interpreter during the cinematics in the game.
  • Grounded: includes an Arachnophobia Safe Mode which allows players to adjust how spiders appear in the game.
  • The Vale: an audio-based action-adventure title that places you in the worn leather boots of a blind adventurer, and more.  

Xbox also offers the Xbox Adaptive Controller, which is designed primarily to meet the needs of gamers with limited mobility. It functions as a unified hub for devices that help make gaming more accessible with a wide range of devices. You can learn more about the Xbox Adaptive Controller here, as well as the official Xbox Adaptive Controller User Guide

Join Game Pass Ultimate

Game Pass Key Art

Game Pass Ultimate unlocks significant player benefits – if you want to give your giftee the very best value for money, consider this membership. Game Pass Ultimate gives you access to online console multiplayer and hundreds of high-quality games for you to play immediately. That includes those from major Xbox Games Studios franchises on day one like Halo, Starfield, Gears of War, Forza, and many others, including a wide variety of unique ID@Xbox games, and new games added all the time. Ultimate also unlocks access to PC and Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) – more on that below– as well as an EA Play membership with access to best-loved series like F1, Battlefield, and Star Wars.

If the gamer in your life also enjoys playing on PC, an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate membership also unlocks tons of games playable on Windows or you can gift a PC Game Pass membership! With the Xbox app for Windows PC, you can browse the catalog of PC games, view recommendations, filter by genre, and with the click of a button discover your next favorite game. And like the Ultimate membership, PC Game Pass also includes EA Play on Windows PC at no extra cost giving you access to a collection of EA’s top titles, exclusive in-game rewards, and early trials of select new games.

There’s also Xbox Game Pass Core, which includes online console multiplayer and access to over 25 high-quality games on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. It also includes member deals and discounts of up to 50% off select games with Game Pass promotions.

Get Gaming

Microsoft Store’s Countdown Sale Hero Image

Now that you’re all set up it’s time to start gaming together! There are several places across that can help you find what you’re looking for. Our Games homepage on profiles all the latest and greatest in new releases and best sellers. You can also find the latest deals on our Xbox Sales & Specials page where you can browse sales, specials, consoles, accessories, and more to take your play to the next level.

A few other places you may want to check out would be our official Xbox Gear Shop for all the latest in Xbox clothing and accessories and the Microsoft Store on Xbox to grab the latest releases, blockbuster exclusives, season passes, add-on content, ID@Xbox games and more – all at great prices (and even better with your 10% Store discount with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate).

Also, one of the most exciting technologies at Xbox, which continues to get better and better, is Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta). It lets players stream hundreds of high-quality games anywhere with a Game Pass Ultimate membership, allowing you to play Xbox console games on other devices you already own, including mobile devices, tablets, and PCs. In addition, all membership tiers allow you to utilize Xbox Remote Play. This feature allows you to play games installed locally on your console on any compatible PC, Android, or iOS device. You can learn more about Xbox Remote Play here.

Once again, welcome to the world of Xbox! While you’re here, make sure you check out some of our other Holiday features we’ve recently published, like how to Build Your Perfect Xbox Stocking, the Best Co-op and Party Games of 2023, and a Holiday Travel Guide if you’re hitting the road this holiday season. Also, if you haven’t already, be sure to bookmark Xbox Wire to stay up to date on all the latest and greatest news and updates about your favorite games across Xbox and Windows.

The post Tips for Gifting an Xbox Series X|S for the Holidays appeared first on Xbox Wire.

Max Payne Actor James McCaffrey Dies Aged 65

Max Payne actor James McCaffrey has died aged 65, according to a report by TMZ.

TMZ published a statement from a rep revealing McCaffrey passed away Sunday, December 17, surrounded by friends and family after a battle with bone marrow cancer.

“One of Dick Wolf’s proteges, McCaffrey went on to a successful 35-year career in television and film. Trained at the Actor’s Studio, he never lost his love for creating characters; however, his good looks often pushed him toward leading man roles,” said McCaffery’s representative to TMZ.

Kevin Dillon, who played Johnny “Drama” Chase in HBO comedy series Entourage, was first to report McCaffrey’s death in a post on Instagram, saying: “we were lucky to have known you. My best friend you will be missed.”

McCaffrey played Max Payne across Remedy’s three-game series, as well as roles in other Remedy games, such as Alan Wake and Control. Most recently, McCaffrey was the voice of Alan Wake 2‘s Alex Casey, a character with a physical appearance based on Remedy’s Sam Lake.

Remedy issued its own statement in a post on X/Twitter: “We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of our beloved friend and collaborator James McCaffrey, the iconic voice of Max Payne and Alex Casey. His remarkable talent gave life to our characters and left an enduring impact on our community. Our hearts go out to his family.”

McCaffrey also had a varied TV and film career, including playing Jimmy Keefe in Rescue Me. McCaffrey is survived by his wife Rochelle Bostrom and daughter Tiernan.

Image credit: Photo by John Paul Filo/CBS via Getty Images

Wesley is the UK News Editor for IGN. Find him on Twitter at @wyp100. You can reach Wesley at or confidentially at

Review: Dodonpachi DaiOuJou Blissful Death Re:Incarnation (Switch) – Poetic Bullet-Hell Perfection

Get Hyper.

Cave, a shoot-’em-up developer assembled from the ashes of Toaplan, was preparing to fold in 2001. The arcade scene was moving in new directions, relying on increasingly ostentatious Taikan cabinets to compete with the emerging technology of home consoles. For Cave, the 2D shoot ’em up, no matter how unerringly creative, was struggling to make the bottom line sing, and it was in large part thanks to Taiwanese company IGS that they survived another decade. Cave was so impressed with IGS’s PolyGame Master arcade hardware and the bastard Donpachi entry they had created for it, that they licensed the tech to have one last charge – events that would deliver DoDonpachi DaiOuJou, its suffix loosely translating as “blissful death”.

Tsuneki Ikeda, lead programmer, video game auteur, and then the company’s public face, lamented that he could never make anything as impressive as Ikaruga. He was wrong. Over time, DaiOuJou stands not only superior to Treasure’s polarising genre hybrid, but is considered by enthusiasts to be one of the greatest games ever coded. It’s the shoot-’em-up equivalent to Capcom’s Super Street Fighter II Turbo or SNK’s King of Fighters ’98: a signifying work that does not date, and compels people decades on to play for fresh achievements. In 2015, at Shanghai’s Lie Huo arcade, the expert DaiOuJou players casually ripped through its two loops like tin foil, cigarettes dangling idly from their mouths. When questioned, all were unanimous in citing it as the apex of the bullet-hell sub-genre. And they were right. Although its difficulty is a high bar, learning to play it is also to understand its genius.

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